It's just a few days until the new year. You are excited and cannot wait to win in the new year.

How to Win in the New Year: An Overcomer's Mindset

This year has been incredible for some, and they're thankful for all they've achieved. While for others, it has a year of ups and downs, and they're eagerly anticipating a fresh start.

I have both good and bad news for you. The bad news is that the new year will mirror the old one if you decide to stay the same despite the change in the calendar. What does that mean? It's not merely about entering a new year, making resolutions, or planning but about your choices. Now, the good news. It is possible to have a better year than the previous ones, but it depends on you.


Make the Right Choices:
  • Reflect on past decisions; acknowledge where you fell short.
  • Commit to making better choices and learn from mistakes.
  • Take responsibility for your life and future.
Build Your Mindset:
  • Cultivate a positive outlook and focus on God's promises.
  • Invest in personal growth and development.
  • Create a vision for yourself and align your thoughts with it.

How to Win in the New Year: An Overcomer's Mindset

Your decisions shape your destiny. Have you assessed your choices and their impact on your life, positively or negatively? If not, be prepared to continue the new year from where the old one left off. Your mindset plays a crucial role, and unless you work on yourself, focusing on positive thoughts, you'll continue to face defeat. So, to win next year, do these two things: Make the right choices and build your mindset.

Take responsibility for your life. Get a journal and pen, be intentional, and honestly appraise the current year. Acknowledge where you fell short and commit to doing better. Declare that this year, you'll make the right decisions and cultivate a mindset focused on the possibilities God has invested in you. Losers give up, but overcomers examine their lives, learn from mistakes, and prepare for the best. Are you ready to learn? If so, let's delve into it.

Today, let's focus on the power of the mind in determining whether you lose or win in life. 


The "what-ifs" of life often lean towards the negative. What if I don't make it? What if I stay stagnant? What if I remain unemployed? What if I never get healed? What if I never get married? It's time to shift our focus to positive "what-ifs." What if I get the job? What if I get promoted? What if God blesses me today? What if someone favors me today? Dwelling on negative "what-ifs" limits us, leading to unaccomplished goals. Your thoughts shape your outcomes; you become what you think.

Watch This Video To Learn More:


The mind is powerful, determining the outcome of your life. Proverbs 23:7 says, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so he is." Therefore, it's crucial to think positive thoughts, focusing on positive and impactful thoughts. God wants us to focus on Him, to behold Him because the more we do, the more we become like Christ. 

The Power of the Mind


The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3:1. But we all, with unveiled faces, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. The more you focus on God, the more you think and become like Him.

  • Focus on Christ: God encourages us to focus on Him, to behold Christ, as it transforms us into His image. By focusing on Christ, you think and become more like Him.
  • Decide to transform your mind: Stop dwelling on the negative and be positive. Choose to be like Christ, to think like Christ. Get material that builds your mind and opens your heart to the great possibilities that God has in store for you, and this is only accessible to those who decide to live a transformed life.
  • Meditate on God’s Word: As God's child, He wants you to see the world through Him. Study the word of God, meditate on it day and night, and let it transform your mind. This transformation takes you from a negative to a positive person, from a weakling to a strong child of God.

How to Win in the New Year: An Overcomer's Mindset

  • Prayer: On your own, you can do little, but the grace of God that comes on you when you constantly seek help from God will guide and empower you for an overcomer’s life.

How to Win in the New Year: An Overcomer's Mindset

Remember, things are created twice, first in the mind, then through actions and words. Your experiences are often a result of your thoughts. You become what you envision, so be mindful of your thoughts because they shape your speech and, in turn, your life. 

Proverbs 4:23 instructs you to keep your heart diligently, for out of it spring the issues of life. What you meditate on affects you, so focus on positive "what-ifs," think positive thoughts, meditate on God's word, and let it guide and establish you.

Today, I encourage you to concentrate on the positive "what-ifs" and witness the great manifestation of God's blessings in your life. One key to winning in the new year is building your mind to dwell on God's promises and His will for you. Reject a defeated mindset; you are an overcomer in Christ. As long as you believe and decide to focus your mind on being an overcomer, you will become what you dwell on, and it all starts from your mind.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.